My Name is Dark/Soth, and Apparently I Am an Elitist

I get a guest poster, yay!

You may have stuck around Tuesday and watched the face off between two of my readers in the comments section. If you did not, I suggest you go read them before reading this post.

Dark/Soth is one of my guild members and apparently is an elitist. Actually, I’m pretty sure he’s an elitist. =P

Anyway, I offered him some space to detail his thoughts about the whole thing and his post is going to tie in very nicely with a series I have planned for next week. No post on Friday, you’ll all be too hung over to read it anyway.

So without further ado, I introduce Dark/Soth:

Arioch has been badgering me to contribute something to her blog for a while now, and the recent discussion (argument?) with Koalabear21 from DotsandHots provided the perfect topic for me to talk about. Continue reading