And in stark contrast to yesterday…

Note: No posts for the rest of the week, everyone enjoy your holiday of choice and see you next Monday!

Yesterday was all about warm fuzzies, fluffy kittens, prancing unicorns, and cotton candy.

Damn, I love cotton candy.

But as heart-warming as such posts can be, it just can’t compare with the side-splitting hilarity that is fail.

If nothing else, this new LFG is awesome for churning out blog fodder. The myriad of ways that people can be stupid will never cease to amaze me.

I’ve got a little side project going – a nelf DK on another server.

It’s a PvE server and boy does that feel weird.

I have no idea what battlegroup I’m in, should probably look that up one of these days. Continue reading

The PuG that did NOT suck

Queue for random daily dungeon.

Zone into Violet Hold.

Member of party immediately leaves party.

Said member was tank.

Well fuck.

Group re-queues to get new tank.

New tank zones in.

Buff up.

Start event.

First portal opens.

Tank is offline.

Well fuck.

We’ve got a ret pally, an ele shaman, a resto druid, and me – the mage.

Ret tank?

Hell no, ele shaman tank FTW.

He actually managed to tank up to the first boss.

Quick, resto druid swap to bear and ele shaman swap to resto!

Bear has never tanked a heroic, but I don’t think the shaman had either…

4-manned that shit with style.

So big props to Wrecum and Faelanna of Cairne.

What’s this? a second pug that didn’t suck?

That’s right, folks!

Got into a random AN the other night, 3 guys from Execution of Tortheldrin and a random DK.

The guilded guys are chatting it up in party, giving the pally tank a hard time about what a terrible tank he was.

The shaman gave me a run for my money on damage, it was nice to have a challenge.

Hadronox goes down.

Shaman says, “fuck Ari.”

Oh shit, what did I do?

“you were lighting him up”

He posts recount, I pulled 7.9k. And the tank held her the entire time. Shitty tank, indeed, lol.

Finish up, agree to stay together for more runs.

We did 6 instances total: AN, ToC, UK, DTK, Occ, and OK.

We started to fight the one boss with the volunteers in OK.

By the time someone finished typing if we wanted to go for the achievement, the first volunteer was already dead.


The secret to fighting your team members on the last boss in OK?

Fuck strategy.

Let the DK grip you right into the center and just Arcane Explosion.

I used to try and actually CC one, and burst down another, kite them…

Fuck it. Blow them up.

The new Occulus is great.

My drake was sitting at 122.7k HP.

The shaman had connection issues so we ended up 4-manning most of the instance, including Eregos.

So hats off to Dominigo, Venril, and Rukn for a smashing good time.