Cataclysm – New Class Combinations


I am aware that in fact, worgen will be getting druids so it isn’t out of balance. I specifically wrote it that way as a lead up to the following day’s post where I discussed the new races (and their classes).

Yesterday we talked about the theoretical level cap of 85 in the next expansion which is theoretically titled Cataclysm.

Remember folks, nothing is real until Blizzard says it in blue, and even then wait for it to hit your machine.

(Because we’re all rocking out our new dances… oh wait.)

So here is the clip for today – new race/class combinations:

New Classes
Cataclysm doesn’t introduce any new classes to the game. Instead, Blizzard have offered more race and classes combinations to players. The Some of these have alreadly been datamined from the 3.2.2 Test Realms. The An Injured Colleague quest and it’s new Night Elf counter-part help to introduce the lore for these new race and class combinations, so we can probably expect to see more of these for some of the less traditional ones.
Human Hunter
Orc Mage
Night Elf Mage
Dwarf Mage
Blood Elf Warrior
Dwarf Shaman
Undead Hunter
Tauren Paladin
Tauren Priest
Gnome Priest
Troll Druid

New Classes

Cataclysm doesn’t introduce any new classes to the game. Instead, Blizzard have offered more race and classes combinations to players. The Some of these have alreadly been datamined from the 3.2.2 Test Realms. The An Injured Colleague quest and it’s new Night Elf counter-part help to introduce the lore for these new race and class combinations, so we can probably expect to see more of these for some of the less traditional ones.

  • Human Hunter
  • Orc Mage
  • Night Elf Mage
  • Dwarf Mage
  • Blood Elf Warrior
  • Dwarf Shaman
  • Undead Hunter
  • Tauren Paladin
  • Tauren Priest
  • Gnome Priest
  • Troll Druid

What’s available as of today?


  • Warrior
  • Paladin
  • Rogue
  • Priest
  • Mage
  • Warlock

Humans would gain Hunter.

I don’t particularly have a problem with this… because the blood elves have hunters. The most common reason I hear that humans can’t be hunters is that they don’t have the affinity for nature to be an effective hunter. And the blood elves do? The race with the joke about “just give me some freaking magic before I kill somebody?” Yeah. No. Human hunter is passable in my book. The amount of affinity required is no where near that of shaman or druid. And just look at all of them hanging out with Nesingwary; although no one there seems to be very keen on keeping anything alive long enough to train it.


  • Warrior
  • Hunter
  • Rogue
  • Shaman
  • Warlock

Orcs would gain Mages.

Eeeeehh… OK, the orcs need more playable classes. Paladin wouldn’t really fly and I’m not feeling priest here. Healing magic is fine and dandy, just through the shaman path. I’m almost surprised that they didn’t try to go the druid route here, although wherever they would be getting their druidic link from might be a bit put off by the residual fel energies floating about. I don’t think any race that allows warlocks should be able to select druid. They already have the exposure to elemental magic through the warlocks, perhaps these are reformed warlocks that have shed the fel auras surrounding them and embraced a cleaner, better magic? We all know warlocks are wanna-be mages anyhow. =)

Night Elves:

  • Warrior
  • Hunter
  • Rogue
  • Priest
  • Druid

Night elves would gain mage.

Fuck me but this does NOT make sense. Elves that pursued non-nature magics were called the Quel’dorei (Highborne or High Elves) and they caused a shit load of problems. They were exiled by the night elves for refusing to abandon their arcane practices. I realize that the story needs to progress and change must be wrought in the face of a cataclysm (see wat I did thar?), but seriously? Night elf mages? If this happens, when you select this as your class you should be shoved into the blood elf form, given blue eyes and blond hair. Congratulations, you’re now a high elf. You get to keep the night elf sound files. Perhaps Blizzard was worried that night elves didn’t have enough cloth wearers? I bet their trainers are going to be stuck on the outskirts of town. You thought it was bad not having an anvil in Darnassus for years? You’re going to have to go to Stormwind to train this shit.


  • Warrior
  • Paladin
  • Hunter
  • Rogue
  • Priest

Dwarves would gain mage.

What the hell? Are mages so under-represented that they have to be passed around to all the races like a 10 dollar whore? This one at least makes more sense than night elves. Rumor has it that in the original beta, mage was a playable class for dwarves so this is a return to old-old-old-school. It also isn’t surprising that a race devoted to poking about in ruins and mucking about with antiquities and artifacts wouldn’t stumble across some treasure or lore that drove them to explore this.

Dwarves would gain shaman.

And then they lost me again… I don’t get this one. Unless… they really start pushing the lore about being descended from the earthen. It’s a stretch, but if they were created from the very stones of Azeroth just maybe they can have a spiffy shamanistic link. Stretching… but I think they are trying ot balance out the shamans and paladins on each side. But a dwarf turning into the travel form ghost wolf is just silly.

Blood Elves:

  • Rogue
  • Mage
  • Warlock
  • Hunter
  • Paladin
  • Priest

Blood elves would gain warrior.

I can actually see this. Bear with me here. Blood elves can be paladins that use the Light through sheer force of will. Young Blood Knights are indoctrinated into thinking that this is their right and destiny to bend the Light to their purpose. Fast forward to the center of Shatt. Did you ever just sit around and listen to the chatter from the NPCs? There’s some chick that appears to be leading the rebel blood elf forces that broke away from Kael’Thas’ Sun Elves. There is an exchange between her and the Naaru that seems to go along the lines the the Naaru knew one of their own would be captured and brutalized by the blood elves. They allowed this to happen as it was the only way to get things rolling in the right direction. As soon as an open-minded blood elf paladin gets to Shatt and witnesses this exchange, there is the possibility that it shatters them a little. Everything they were taught was a farce, they really aren’t destined to run around wielding the Light like a toy. Now you have a group of very physically-oriented fighters that may be unwilling or unable to harness the Light. Sticking with what they know, they head into battle as warriors and pass on their training to another generation. Maybe?


  • Warrior
  • Rogue
  • Priest
  • Mage
  • Warlock

Forsaken would gain hunter.

In another WTF moment, we have shambling, rotting, free-willed corpses taming puppies and kitties. Do they gain a racial to feed bits of themselves to their pets? Or will they be limited to pets without a sense of smell? I’m thinking spiders, ravagers, crabs, etc. I’ve never really understood how they can have priests, except shadow spec, but this makes even less sense to me. The stretch I can get is that they were a hunter in their previous life and are now continuing their chosen trade. Bad dog! Stop chewing on my leg!


  • Warrior
  • Hunter
  • Druid
  • Shaman

Tauren would gain paladin.

HOLY COWS!!! That’s really all there is to say. Rumor has it that the quest line we found after the last patch that started in Dalaran with us taking a shield to an injured warrior in Thunder Bluff is the kick off for this. Blizzard is going to have to do some fancy talking to get this one by me. The draenei can follow both the Light and nature, but they’re crazy space goats. We’re talking cows here. Again though, this appears to be a balancing act since dwarf got shaman (for no good reason).

Tauren would gain priest.

Like the orcs, tauren really needed some more class choices. If paladin is being added, why not add priest? Just please, make it make sense somehow. This will be the only cloth class for the tauren. You’re gonna look goofy as all hell!


  • Warrior
  • Rogue
  • Mage
  • Warlock

Gnomes would gain priest.

Another race that got shafted with the class selection availability. But c’mon. They’re gnomes, who cares? I think Blizzard is trying to make healer classes more wide spread. With the addition of DKs, there is no where near the tanking shortage there was before, now it’s time to step up with healing. I get mage and warlock for gnomes. Their little tech-driven minds probably break down all the magic into complex little formulas that can be notated and discussed and studied at great length. But priest? Now we’re getting into the squishy, metaphysical sort of stuff. That just doesn’t seem very gnomish to me. Plus I hate gnomes. No healers for you!


  • Warrior
  • Hunter
  • Rogue
  • Priest
  • Shaman
  • Mage

Trolls would gain druid.

This one surprised me, but not for a lore reason. Paladin was given to an additional Horde race. Shaman was given to an additional Alliance race. But for druid, this would bring the count up to Horde 2, Alliance 1. That just seems rather odd. From a lore perspective, trolls seem to be a jack-of-all trades. They have some pretty deeply-ingrained survival instincts and will do what it takes to keep on living. With shaman already as a choice and the lack of warlock, druid really doesn’t seem that far off.


  • Warrior
  • Mage
  • Shaman
  • Hunter
  • Paladin
  • Priest

Draenei would gain nada.

No love for the space goats. If anything, I would expect to see druid released here, to balance out adding druid to the trolls. Both have shaman and neither have warlock.

So why the hell is Blizzard (possibly) doing this?

My gut reaction is it is to facilitate the faction transfer process. How many Alliance paladins are out there that want to make the switch to the Horde but don’t want to be a blood elf? (To those of you in that camp – you don’t know what you’re missing /flex).

How many Horde shaman want to turn traitor but don’t want to be a space goat?

What if they don’t have The Burning Crusade expansion? “Ah, yes. I’m a human paladin and I want to switch to the Horde… but I never upgraded my account so can’t quite be a blood elf… so, what are you going to do with me? Upgrade me for free?” Yeah right. Now you can be a cow. Like it.

And how are they going to pull this off?

After the expansion, our world is rocked and reformed. We log in and create a new character to explore the new Azeroth and suddenly have more choices. (And please give us more character slots on each server.)

How do you fit it in lore-wise that all of a sudden, we have a bunch of young human hunters running around? Where did all the orc mages come from? I’ve come up with a (somewhat) plausible idea for blood elf warriors, but it incorporated a change that was made in the game, a progression of the lore. How are they going to be able to do something like that for 11 new combinations?

What do you think?

Up next: New races!

42 comments on “Cataclysm – New Class Combinations

  1. thedoctor says:

    Its MADNESS!

    I can kinda see the Dwarf Shaman only because I read that the Space Goat Shaman were founded by a fallen Pally. Dwarfs are paladins…so…maybe. /shrug

    But Tauren being paladins and priests???

    How silly is that going to be…especially priests lol. A female Tauren priest wouldn’t look terrible, but a male Tauren is going to look goofy as hell.

    I didn’t think about the cross server faction being a factor in this though. That makes alot of sense.


  2. Okay, I wrote a long post of this on a forum I frequent using pretty much the same arguments you used. Then I rebutted my own arguments one at a time.

    Human Hunter, no problem. Makes sense.

    Orc Mage, I like it. I started mmo’s with Ultima Online, which had Orc Mages so I’m already kind of used to this. They already have experience with magic, so it’s not a stretch.

    Night Elf Mage, I had the EXACT same reaction as you. Then I read about a (SPOILER INCOMING, SKIP THE NEXT LINE IF YOU HATE THEM) quest that involves a Highborne coming to Tyrande and offering his services. Not sure when we’ll see this, but it kind of paves the way. Also, the Highborne are not the same as High Elves. High Elves went to the Eastern Kingdoms and changed. As far as I know, Highborne that stayed would look just like Night Elves. (Think Dire Maul)

    Dwarf Mage, cool. Dwarf Shaman, no. The argument I’ve heard is that Wildhammers might have Shaman. That’s fine, but PC Dwarves aren’t Wildhammer, they are Bronzebeared. No Shaman there.

    Blood Elf Warrior, makes a lot of sense. Every race has warriors. They should have always had warriors.

    Forsaken Hunter, I’m in total agreement with you.

    Tauren Paladins & Priests. Yeah, they are talking about the whole Sun worship thing and that’s the light. I see where they are coming from, but it doesn’t feel right.

    Gnome Priest, same with Taurens. Doesn’t feel right. I figure they could easily have priests, but it just doesn’t seem right.

    Troll Druid, as you said this gives the Trolls 2 Druids and the Alliance one. Until you realize that Worgen will have a Druid class available. Then it makes sense.

    My concerns were that every Horde race will now have a hunter, but Gnomes don’t. Then I thought about Goblins not having one while Worgen would, and it balances.

    Then I thought about every Alliance race having mages, but Worgen probably won’t. One thing I didn’t get was why they gave Dwarves Shamanism when they could have just given it to Worgen. Kind of makes sense.

    Personally, I think the world events and storyline of the leaked information looks amazing. I think they should stop mucking around with classes though. I think the class options are just fine as they are. I’m with you though, I think they are doing this for Faction transfer purposes.


    • zoe says:

      thats what i think. its a load of crap. why cant dreanei be druids? and worgens shamans.i understand where you are going with this.but come on they can do better than that. i mean WHY does blizzerd always make things complycated.At least the orcs cant be priests.iff it ever changes the game will be a i mean it.


  3. theerivs says:

    Is it me, or no one remembers Dwarf Mages in beta? I like having more options in classes, and race. Lore wise Blizz was never that good, so why care now.


  4. Ten'nen says:

    Don’t you have to have BC to have WotLK? And if you have neither, what the hell are you doing with your time in game? You must be hella bored.

    But yeah, 90% of them make no sense. I don’t see a need to introduce more classes to more races. I say spend the time and energy into fixing what you already have. Allow for more versatility in the trees. Take a leaf from Warhammer’s book, and maybe make a Night Elf priest play somewhat differently than a Troll Priest. Have some different abilities. That’ll make the game more interesting.


  5. Saiketsu says:

    wtb NE paladin


  6. Myth says:

    Why did they give shaman to dwarves? Night Elves are more in-tune with the earth and nature…hence the druids…


  7. Izotope says:

    They are adding more classes and races so there is less chance to get a DK in arena.


  8. Soulix says:

    I dont agree with you Myth, because Night Elfs Control Nature. So Night Elfs being Shamans would make no sense, due to the fact that they control the spirits. shamans rely on spirits to help them in fighting. So i would agree with blizzard not doing that.


  9. Psynister says:

    I’m not sure where you found the Dwarf Mage. That hasn’t been mentioned anywhere that I’ve seen.

    While Undead Hunters don’t sit right with me, I don’t have a problem with any of the other race/class combinations being introduced. Yes, that includes NElf Mages.

    Worgen are able to be druids as well, so the balance remains 2:2 not, 1:2 in favor of the Horde.

    I don’t really know why the goats are the only race being left out of things except that Blizzard wants them to remain tied to the “Light”. Druid doesn’t fit well with that since lunar magic is a huge part of it. I’d like to see a bit of a twist and let them take Warlock for those that completely forsook the light in favor of darkness. If they can be shadow priests, then they should be able to be warlocks as well.


  10. Psynister says:

    Well I see that Dwarf has been added. Well, that one’s a bit of a shocker. Not one that bothers me, just a bit surprising. But, I’m all for opening all classes to all races, so where lore is involved my opinion is usually not worth much in this area.

    Thanks for pointing it out to me though.


  11. john says:

    i think draenie should get rogues


  12. Markurius says:

    Well I guess seeing as undead are being a lead by a hunter, they should be able to play hunters… Sylvanas is still an undead.


  13. keldrath says:

    i just wanted to point out that dwarf shamans (and druids) already exist in game as part of the wildhammer clan, mages are very popular amongst the dark iron clan as well, they are full of magic users.

    jus sayin


  14. Neon Genesis Juliet says:

    I’d like to point out in regards to your section on Troll Druids that the new Alliance race, Worgen, is getting Druids as well. It will be balanced. Sensible is another story.


  15. I’m sorry guys but i really don’t see what the big deal is about things conflicting with lore. I’m sure they havn’t released all the info yet, and not to mention THE WORLD JUST GOT BLOWN TO BITS. Maybe the dwarves have to band together, therefore there not just bronze beards, we don’t know, an seriously just imagine lone dwarf settlements, i bet they’d be made mostly of shamans and warriors and hunters. Same with Humans.


  16. and NE mages. I’d like to point out once more that we dont have all the information. What if the Night Elves figure “Hey, Let’s train are own mages so that if we as a race are ever tempted again we can have a solid basis of mages that can reject that offer because they’ve seen how to get the power for themselves, or maybe they idolize some powerful NE mage trainer”. Maybe they figure that since the drainei are using mages and they’ve been hounded by these forces most of all, maybe we can too, there’s tons of possibilities.


  17. Stumpy says:

    I’m thinking they’re going to introduce racial sub-divisions in Cataclysm, like you mentioned about the High Elven mages for Night Elves. Also, I’ve not seen anyone bring this up yet (at least about the Dark Irons), but a valid reason behind Dwarves getting mages and shamans could be that the Bronzebeard clan reconciles with the Wildhammer and Dark Iron clans, and the Wildhammers bring shamanism with them, since they’re closer to nature, and the Dark Irons bring arcane magic with them, since they’re sorcerers. It’s probably just wishful thinking, but I’d love to be a Dark Iron mage.


  18. Racial sub-divisions would definitely make a lot of sense, but if so would there be more than one for each race, and if so would all races get one? I could see dwarves, and night elves, trolls maybe, but how about the others? BE are already a sub-division, and draenai?


  19. Zero says:

    yah…that is true….holy f***ing cowns…xD


  20. Seven says:

    What is Wildhammer?


  21. Seven says:

    Oh, and btw; what new classes will there be


  22. a says:



  23. a says:

    OH and dwarf shamans use beer steins and tied up gnomes as totems, and dwarf mages get beer farts instead of sheep…pretty good CC


  24. Evan says:

    Blood Elf Warriors!
    I know my tauren will be one :D


  25. Grey says:

    When it comes to Forsaken Hunters I think everybody forgets about the Dark Rangers, that is elven (and some human) rangers that became Forsaken. Sylvanas is a Dark Ranger.


  26. sorry for trolling. says:

    Tauren Rogue would make sense since they are stealthy and small like draenei.


  27. Sephiroth says:

    I honestly could care less about wow lore and I like to have more options so I for one will enjoy the new changes.


  28. HOLYPALA says:

    it won’t be 2 druids on horde and 1 on alliance, the new alliance race worgen will have druid ;)


  29. wacawaca says:

    Ok well the history of Draenei. they are nature based from the start so druids would actually make a hell of alot of sense


  30. Skovick says:

    Arioch Dwarf shamans do make sence as the current King Bronzebeard is being turned to stone as a sacrifice to save IF from the cataclysm. Also His Daughter is now in council in IF representing the Dark Iron Dwarves, along side Bronzebeards younger? brother who represents Wildhammer. And theres one other figure in the council I believe.


  31. warhammer says:

    undead hunter .. silvanas is hunter and she is cool so i love that class i wanna play with it .. but HOLY COWS !!? thats the point that blizz need a very good explanation


  32. maphystil says:

    i agree with Zoe.shes on track,she needs to reply again though.i like the


    • Arioch says:

      Pssst…. this post is over 3 years old and highly irrelevant as it was conjecture that has since been overwritten with reality. And two expansions.

      Also, nice to see you agree with yourself. (Try using different email addresses next time.)


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