I Didn’t Train That

I think I’ll save the Ulduar run for tomorrow.

Today, we shall talk about a phrase that strikes fear and loathing into the hearts of your PuG-mates.

I didn’t train that.

Friday night, AwesomeBMHunter ropes me into a SM-Armory PuG on my priest.

We have a level 36 pally who shall now be know as PallyX. Also had a warrior tank and another DPS paladin.

First thing, AwesomeBMHunter has to ask PallyX why he doesn’t have a weapon equipped.

“working on weapon skills, lol”

OMG, what did you get me into here? Continue reading

Uld 10 x 2.5

We now return to our normally scheduled frivolous posting!

Went on my first trip to Ulduar with 24 other people. It was a joint venture between our second alliance guild and another guild that I had not had the pleasure of raiding with before.

One member of their guild had been through Naxx 25 on another toon on another server – months (and patches) ago. We had at least one person that hadn’t even been through Uld 10 yet, but was at least geared through Naxx 25. So it’s a learning run, which I am totally cool with.

Ever fuck up real bad and think the whole situation is going to explode but it works out? Continue reading

Clawing my eyes out


Make it stop…

No more…

Anything but that…

Don’t make me run Scarlet Monastery Graveyard any more!


I think I ran SM-GY on my priest at least a dozen times yesterday. I never want to set foot in it again.

Except unless “AwesomeRetributionPally” needs to run it. Just once for you. Now hurry up and level.

Spent all weekend on my priest, hit level 32.

1 FULL FUCKING level of that was done in the graveyard.

/shudder Continue reading