Raiding Excitement – Not as Anticipated

Last week was full of raiding excitement!

Just not on Arioch.

Log in Tuesday and mill about Org, waiting for an invite.

(Actually, I stood around and made cloth bolts, Arioch isn’t a scribe. OK, bad joke is bad.)

The roster looks a little thin… only a handful of people are on.

Word finally comes down that it’s postponed to Wednesday.

No problem, just level that pally up to 79.

Log on Wednesday.

Again with the waiting.

Postponed until Friday.

No problem, just crush out some dailies.

And then Tir looks at me and says they need a 10th for an alt DS run. Continue reading

Damn I’m Dumb Sometimes

In between bouts of madness in ZA/ZG this past weekend I actually got some stuff done.

Earlier in the week the guild switched to 10s from 25s and my mage was placed on a raiding team again.

And there was much rejoicing.

Being in a raid group means that Arioch has purpose again so I have to not only gear him up properly but also get to continue working on achievement whoring.

Got Exalted with Therazane for my shoulder inscription and got the Fungal Frenzy achievement in the process. I finally figured out the secret and will probably do a quick post on how to get that achievement later. Continue reading

And one more makes 12

Some of my more astute (or sober) readers may have noticed that the achievement I posted about  yesterday on the 20th was actually earned on the 15th.

I wrote the post in the middle of the day on the 19th, set it up for release the next day and didn’t think anything of it.

Funny how later that very night, we got this one:

Since we are on Central time server and we had actually gone past raid time Tuesday night, it counted it for the 20th.

Which is actually the day that I’m writing this post.

Aren’t time zones fun?

And if it weren’t for the fact that apparently that bastard drops a mount, I would vote to never step foot on Al’Akir’s platform ever again. Continue reading


Is down!

That is to say, Atra-fucking-medes has been slain.

In simpler terms, we finally were able to beat the shit out of a blind dragon.

Yeah, we got rolled repeatedly by a handicapped reptile.

The new raiding season started out very well.

Sometime in December the guild wandered over to own the new VoA-style encounter in Tol Barad. I’ve gotten to do the fight once, and it was cake to heal, even as disc. (What do I mean, even as disc? ZOMG. More on this later. Not today later, another day later.) Continue reading